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Progress check after Gate 2.

Phhhew, it’s been a hell of a journey, the project keeps on progressing further and we’re trying to hold tight and keep up with it. We’ve managed to get past two Gates and the app is starting to take shape more and more as we keep going.

After Gate 2 we’ve been up to these following tasks:

Wrote final storyboard

We have been finalizing the storyboard for the demo at least, which will not tell the whole story. We have thought many possibilities on the rest of the story, but it is yet to be decided on how the story continues & ends.

User testing for our puzzle

We have tested our puzzle with 3 different difficulty levels on 5-6 year olds in a few local kindergartens. We had two sessions of puzzle testing and they lasted for one hour each.

The children played them with joy and most of them liked the puzzles very much. It took rather long to solve the harder puzzles and the easiest was cleared with no sweat at all.

What surprised us was how much perseverance these children had. They could keep doing these

puzzles for whole hour and not give up.

EASY DIFFICULTY: Average solving time 3 minutes. Quickly became a memory puzzle

EASY DIFFICULTY: Average solving time 3 minutes. Quickly became a memory puzzle

MEDIUM DIFFICULTY: Average solving time 12 minutes

HARD DIFFICULTY: Average solving time 31 minutes.

There are few possible solutions in the middle and lowest ones.

One solution for each is right here:

We tested the premise of the story

Did it catch child’s interest & do they want to hear more?

The children were excited about the story premise and they would’ve wanted for us to tell them the rest of the story. But as we had not decided the rest of the story yet, we could not tell it to them.

Tested Unity and Framework

During these two weeks our coder Antti has been learning and testing Unity. He has worked on the first puzzle and it’s about to be ready. We have made main menu for game but everything is still missing graphic assets.

For Cycle 2 we will start implying the graphics and missing assets and finalize U.I design.

In other words the backbone we need has now pretty much been done.

In short we have been making solid progress so far. There are lots to be done but we are confident we can see it all through!

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